In this tutorial we will see how to style a map with QGIS.
The main elements to add to a map are the following:
You can start from any previously created project.
Once the layers of interest have been created and formatted, the print composer can be opened in the following way:
The first thing to do is to add the base map previously created in QGIS:
If you are not satisfied with the rendering of the map, it is possible to return to the QGIS window, modify the layers, then update the map (View > Refresh).
We can then add a legend:
In the “Item properties” window, you may customize legend labels.
In a similar way, you can add the specific elements of a map (scale bar and North arrow).
Finally, the remaining elements (title, comment and source) can be added with:
Practise: Add a comment directly on the map
Once the map is finished, it can be exported as a PDF or image: