class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Data for farming ##
Data exploration
and mapping ### Benjamin Nowak ### December 2021 --- background-image: url(fig/back/hill.jpg) background-size: cover class: center, bottom, inverse # <span style='font-size:55px'> **Getting started** </span> ### Installation of **R** and **RStudio** --- # Getting started 1. [Download R]( on CRAN > *"The “Comprehensive R Archive Network” (CRAN) is a collection of sites which carry identical material, consisting of the R distribution(s), the contributed extensions, documentation for R, and binaries."* 2. [Download R Studio]( > *"RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management."* - Choose 'Free RStudio Desktop' to run RStudio on your local machine --- # Getting started - Once RStudio is installed, we are ready to create a new **Project** - *File > New Project > New Directory* .center[ <img src="fig/R/projects_new.png" width=50%></img> ] - Doing so, the **current working directory** is set to the **project directory** (where we can for example store the data sets related to this project in a **'Data'** folder) --- # Getting started .center[ <img src="fig/R/Rproj.png" width=50%></img> ] .footnote[ **Source:** [Musings on R (Martin Chan)]('s-guide/) ] --- # Getting started - We can create **a new script** inside this project - *File > New File > R Script* - Although RStudio keeps track of the changes made to the script, we will save it before we start - *File > Save as* - You may save it in a **'Script'** folder, as suggested in the previous slide <br> -- .center[<span style='font-size:30px; color:#2a9d8f;'>**We are now ready to process data!**</span>] --- background-image: url(fig/back/sheep.jpg) background-size: cover class: center, bottom, inverse # <span style='font-size:55px'> **First example** </span> ### World's leading milk producers --- # Load packages - **The [{tidyverse}](** Collection of R packages for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures.  .footnote[ **Source** [Barnier, 2021]( ] --- # Load packages - **The [{tidyverse}](** Collection of R packages for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures. - First lines of code will be to install and load these extensions in our R session ```r # Install tidyverse (to do only once) # install.packages("tidyverse") # Load tidyverse (to repeat at each session) library(tidyverse) ``` --- # Import data - Data in this tutorial are related to **worlwide milk production** and **milk trades** (since 1990). - Data sets extacted from the [Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)]( data base. - With the [{tidyverse}](, we may use [{readr}]( to load data sets into our session - Compared to base functions, {readr} functions are much faster to import data sets, and include a progress bar for large data set that take a longer time to load --- # Import data - The data are available online, and can be loaded directly into R, without downloading - You may copy/paste [this link]('') inside **read_csv()** to import the data ```r # Import data data <- readr::read_csv( '' ) # To take a look at 3 first lines # head(data,3) ``` --- # Data structure - This data table is already close to the 'tidy' syntax and will require little modification .center[ <img src="fig/R/tidydata_1.jpg" width=70%></img> ] .footnote[ **Picture** [Alison Horst]( ] --- # Data processing - Thanks to the pipe operator (**%>%**), we may perform a sequence of actions on the same data set. - Most of table modifications are supported by the [{dplyr}]( package. - Below some examples of data processing: ```r data<-data%>% # Rename columns with space dplyr::rename( # New name = Old name AreaCode = 'Area Code', ItemCode = 'Item Code', ElementCode = 'Element Code' )%>% # Suppress column that we don't need dplyr::select(-'Year Code')%>% # Remove one row dplyr::filter(Area!='China, mainland') ``` --- # Data processing - In this example, we want to identify the main milk producers. First, we must identify the factors corresponding to milk production in our dataset. - To do so, we will detect factors with 'milk' inside their names with [**str_detect()**](, then extract the name of these factors with [**pull()**]( and store them in a *'milks'* vector for further filtering ```r milks<-data%>% # Keep only one 'case study' filter(Area=='World'&Year==2018)%>% # Keep only milk products filter( stringr::str_detect( Item, # Column to search fixed( 'milk', # Pattern to search ignore_case=TRUE # To ignore case )))%>% dplyr::pull(Item) # Column to extract ``` --- # Data processing - We may now use this vector to filter our data set and keep only rows related to **milk production of each country** since 1990. ```r countries <- data%>% # Keep only rows related to milk production filter(Item %in% milks)%>% # Keep only data at country scale # (Code >5000 for continental & world statistics) filter(AreaCode<5000) ``` --- # Statistics for each country - To calculate statistics for each country, we need to convert our table into a 'grouped' table with [**group_by()**]( .pull-left[ <img src="fig/R/group_by_ungroup.png" width=100%></img> **Picture** [Alison Horst]( ] .pull-right[ - Look of the table will not change but the functions will be applied per group (not on the whole table) - After **group_by()**, two possibilities: add a new column with **mutate()** OR create a resume of the statistics with **summarize()** ] - Finally, use **ungroup()** to remove grouping. --- # Statistics for each country - Here we will use **group_by()** to compute **total milk production** since 1990 **for each country** and **for each type of milk**. ```r total<-countries %>% group_by(Area,Item)%>% # Group by Country & Milk type summarise( production = sum(Value) # Sum annual production )%>% ungroup() head(total,5) # Show first 5 rows ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## Area Item production ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Afghanistan Milk, whole fresh cow 41346067 ## 2 Afghanistan Milk, whole fresh goat 3055601 ## 3 Afghanistan Milk, whole fresh sheep 5843398 ## 4 Albania Milk, whole fresh cow 24911316 ## 5 Albania Milk, whole fresh goat 2207112 ``` --- # Top 3 producers - The [**slice()**]( function allows to extract specific rows from a data table. - It is accompanied by a number of helpers for common use cases - **slice_sample()** for random selection - **slice_min()** for selection of rows with lowest values... - In order to extract **the top 3 producers of each type of milk**, we will use a combination of **group_by()** and **slice_max()** --- # Top 3 producers ```r ranking<-total%>% group_by(Item)%>% # To get top producers for each milk type dplyr::slice_max( production, # Get max values for production n=3 # Only keep top 3 producers )%>% ungroup() ranking ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 9 x 3 ## Area Item production ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 United States of America Milk, whole fresh cow 2437081988 ## 2 India Milk, whole fresh cow 1389268000 ## 3 Russian Federation Milk, whole fresh cow 936533056 ## 4 India Milk, whole fresh goat 119981705 ## 5 Bangladesh Milk, whole fresh goat 54769040 ## 6 Sudan (former) Milk, whole fresh goat 26470691 ## 7 China Milk, whole fresh sheep 31689509 ## 8 Turkey Milk, whole fresh sheep 28828040 ## 9 Greece Milk, whole fresh sheep 22886995 ``` --- # Main cow's milk producers? .center[<span style='font-size:30px; color:#2a9d8f;'><br>**You may take some time to<br>explore the main cow's milk producers**</span><br><br><span style='font-size:25px; color:#2a9d8f;'>*Top 20 producers?*<br>*Percentage of world's milk produced by each country?*<br>*...*</span>] --- background-image: url(fig/back/cows.jpg) background-size: cover class: center, bottom, inverse # <span style='font-size:55px'> **2nd example** </span> ### Mapping **cow's milk** trade balances in Europe --- # Import data - For this example, we will work with a data set summarizing **fresh milk trades** between countries since 1990, also extracted from [the FAO database]( - More precisely, we will work on a subset: **cow's whole milk trade for 2018** - Data set is avaible at [this link]( (copy/paste into **read_csv()** to import) ```r trade <-read_csv( # Paste link inside read_csv() '' )%>% # Subset: only cow whole milk trade for year 2018 filter(Item=='Milk, whole fresh cow')%>% filter(Year=='2018') ``` --- # Filter imports and exports - The dataset includes milk exports and imports, expressed in quantity (*tons*) and value (*dollars*) - We will focus on the **quantities** traded - We will create two tables: one for the imports, one for the exports ```r # One table with imports imp<-trade%>% filter(Element=='Import Quantity')%>% rename(Import=Value) # One table with exports exp<-trade%>% filter(Element=='Export Quantity')%>% rename(Export=Value) ``` --- # Compute trade balance - We will now join the imports and exports table by country name to compute each country trade balance (*Exports-Imports*). - Main possible [**table joins**]( are: .center[ <img src="fig/R_2/joins.png" width=70%></img> ] --- # Compute trade balance - Here, we will perform a **full_join()** between imports and exports tables, to get all trades (even for countries with only imports or exports) ```r data <- exp%>% full_join( imp, # Order does not matter for full_join() by='Area' # Merge by country names ) ``` - Doing so, empty values (ex: countries with no exports) have been replaced with NA. Before computing the trade balance, we may replace these values by 0. --- # Compute trade balance - Replace NA by 0 with **mutate()** and **case_when()**: ```r data <- data %>% mutate(Export=case_when(, TRUE~Export ))%>% mutate(Import=case_when(, TRUE~Import )) ``` --- # Compute trade balance - Compute trade balance and keep only few columns: ```r data <- data%>% mutate( Balance = Export-Import )%>% select(Area,Export,Import,Balance)%>% arrange(Balance) # Sort table by trade balance # Show most negative trade balance head(data,3) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 4 ## Area Export Import Balance ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Italy 46764 1113711 -1066947 ## 2 Germany 1611316 2353680 -742364 ## 3 Ireland 32221 757811 -725590 ``` --- # Mapping trade balance .pull-left[ .center[ <img src="fig/R_2/sf.jpg" width=100%></img> ] **Picture** [Alison Horst]( ] .pull-right[ - To map trade balances, we will use the [**{sf}**]( extension - *'sf'* means *'simple features'* > [Simple Features]( is a set of standards that specify a common storage and access model of geographic feature ] --- # Load extensions - In addition to **{sf}**, we will use the [**{maps}**]( extension, which provides some basic maps for R (such as world countries map, that we will use as a basemap to show the computed trade balances) ```r # Install extensions (to do only once) # install.packages("sf") # install.packages("maps") # Load extensions (to repeat at each session) library(sf) library(maps) ``` --- # Load world basemap - Now, with these two extension, we are ready to **(i)** load world basemap and **(ii)** convert it to an {sf} object with [st_as_sf()]( ```r world<-maps::map( # Load world map database="world", plot = FALSE, # Hide plot output fill = TRUE )%>% # Convert foreign object # to an sf object sf::st_as_sf() ``` --- # Plotting maps with {ggplot2} - **{sf}** object may be plotted with [{ggplot2}]( using [**geom_sf()**]( - **Basic structure of a ggplot:** ```r plot1 <- ggplot( # Specify data set data = data_set, # Specify x- and y- axis aes(x=variable1, y=variable2) )+ # Add new layer to plot with '+' geom_point( # May also use data/aes inside geom aes(color=variable3) ) ``` --- # World basemap - For our case study, we may start by plotting world basemap as follows: .pull-left[ ```r mp <- ggplot(data=world)+ geom_sf( fill='grey80', color='white', size=0.3 ) mp ``` ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] --- # Europe basemap - If we want to focus on Europe, we can center our map on this continent .pull-left[ ```r # Bounding box for Europe lon=c(-14,33) lat=c(35,63) # Zoom on Europe mp<-mp+ scale_x_continuous( limits=lon )+ scale_y_continuous( limits=lat )+ # Better theme for maps theme_void() mp ``` ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] --- # Merge trade data - In order to add trade data to the map, we need to merge this table with world basemap (this time with **left_join()** to keep only rows with trade balance values) ```r # New column named 'Area' (same name as in trade data) in world map world<-world%>%mutate(Area=ID) # Adding spatial information to trade balance table: data<-data%>% # Name 'cleaning' (for European countries) before merging mutate(Area=case_when( # Name in trade table ~ Name in world map Area=='Czechia'~'Czech Republic', Area=='North Macedonia'~'Macedonia', Area=='Republic of Moldova'~'Moldova', Area=='Russian Federation'~'Russia', Area=='United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'~'UK', TRUE~Area ))%>% left_join(world) ``` --- # Trade balance in Europe - We can now add trade balance to our map .pull-left[ ```r mp<-mp+ geom_sf( data=data, aes( fill=Balance, # Spatial info stored in 'geom' column geometry=geom ), color='white',size=0.3) mp ``` ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] --- # Map customization - As for 'classic' ggplot objects, we may adjust [color gradient]( (here with **scale_fill_gradient2()** to create a divergent palette) .pull-left[ ```r mp<-mp+ scale_fill_gradient2( low = "#de425b", mid = "#fff18f", high = "#488f31", midpoint = 0, breaks = c(-1000000,-500000,0,500000), labels = glue::glue("{c(-1,-0.5,0,0.5)}") ) mp ``` ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] .footnote[ **Note:** Useful [link]( for divergent color palette by **** ] --- # Map customization - We may also customize labels .pull-left[ ```r mp<-mp+ labs( title="Cow's milk trade", fill="Balance\n(million tons)", caption="Data: FAO (Year 2018)" ) mp ``` ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] --- # Create custom theme - As we did in our [first session](, we may create a custom theme for more customization ```r # Save custom theme custom_theme<-theme( plot.title=element_text(size=25,color='grey20',face='bold'), legend.title=element_text(size=20,color='grey20'), legend.text=element_text(size=15,color='grey40'), plot.caption=element_text(size=15,color='grey40') ) # Apply custom theme to plot mp<-mp+ custom_theme ``` --- # Main conclusions - What do we learn with this map? .pull-left[ - Most negative balance for Italy, most positive balance for Austria - Although Ireland and Germany are important producers, they import more milk than they export - Overall, trades are relatively low compared to countries production (>5%) ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] --- background-image: url(fig/back/cow2.jpg) background-size: cover class: center, bottom, inverse # <span style='font-size:55px'> **Going further** </span> ### Example of plots made with {ggplot2} --- # Going further... - Following a similar workflow, we may add milk production for each country to the same map and [more text customization]( .center[ <img src="fig/R_2/MilkTrade.png" width=60%></img> ] --- # Going further... - Mix [chloropleth and time series]( with [{geofacet}]( .center[ <img src="fig/R_2/milk.png" width=100%></img> ]